Saturday 26 December 2015


In what would be seeming victory for the ladies, a German company is offering a plan B for those who have lost their virginity and can't have it back as in plan A, that is naturally as from birth. The company, VirginiaCare says it has created an artificial intact hymen which can be used ‎without a painful or costly surgery and does the job perfectly well. The woman is only required to insert the artificial hymen inside her private part about 30 minutes before intercourse when she is expected to prove her virginity and case closed, verdict? ... she is a virgin again.
The company states the working of the device as just being a small, thin pouch containing the adequate quantity of bovine blood which dissolves itself by the moisture and heat generated during intercourse. It also confirms that “the bovine blood comes out just at the right time and in the right amount.” 
The company's clients can choose between red-brown blood or a cherry-red blood, while a pack of 2 sells for $54 each.‎ It also recommends that women buy both it's tight firming cream and the artificial hymen to simulate virginity to its fullest. And wait for it, you are further advised to act as if the experience is painful during the intercourse so that it all appears very real.
Hmm! Do we call this the full package of deceit and who are those behind this creation? Anyways, they are serving and saving over 100 people a month who order their device worldwide on the internet.

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