Sunday 10 January 2016



An apartment complex in Detroit, USA was completely razed by fire on Sunday January 3, morning when a man frustrated by the budbugs in his own unit tried to get rid of them by dousing himself and the property inside with alcohol. The fire, however, was ignited when he subsequently tried to burn one of the bedbugs and the fire spread not only to his body but to the property in his apartment. The resultant flame left him seriously burnt, four units of the complex were destroyed while about 24 other units were left damaged by water.

A part of the St. Antoine Gardens apartment complex in Midtown Detroit was badly destroyed when the man sprayed alcohol on his body and couch so as to get rid of bedbugs and while trying to smoke a cigarette attempted to burn one of the insects only to set the couch on fire and burn himself and the apartment in the process.

The man managed to get out of the burning complex and neighbors recall hearing him screaming and running out of his apartment. The fire spread with thick smoke covering the building within seconds. Some co tenants had to crawl to the staircase to escape.

Another neighbor recalls meeting the burning man in the lobby and joining him on his knees to pray at his request, he says he was badly burnt with his skin peeling off. He said they were praying until help came. He said the man was rushed to a hospital where he is still undergoing treatment.

Other residents confirm the incident; they also state that bedbugs are a seriously issue at the St. Antoine Apartments with many complaints by tenants remaining unresolved. None of the Apartment management official could be reached for their comments.

The man is not the first to cause a major fire in Detroit in a bid to get rid of bedbugs. Another resident confirms that she was tired of battling bedbugs for almost a year when she applied alcohol all over her body and floor while her oven and stovetop were lit. The resultant fire left her wounded and led to the damage of the apartment’s roof and most of the apartments units. It also caused the hospitalization of five people.

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