Monday 4 January 2016



The government of Iran has come out to express its interest in the continued arrest of the leader of the Shi’ites movement in Nigeria, Sheikh Ibraheem El-Zakzaky stating that it was employing all diplomatic channels to ensure that the prominent Shia Muslim cleric was released. It would be recalled that the Nigerian Army arrested him last month following the confrontation between his Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) sect members and the entourage of the Nigerian Chief of Army Staff in Zaria, Nigeria.

The Shi’ites movement led by Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky gained the support of Iran during the Iranian revolution in 1979 and has continued to grow in its belief that it can form an Islamic state within the Nigerian nation and like its mentor is not a friend of America. Its leader, however, continues to claim that he does not get any financial backing from Iran. Sheikh El-Zakzaky had earlier been a political prisoner for nine years in Nigeria from the late 1980s through to the 1990s. He was held on account of being involved in several acts of civil disobedience.

Well, deny the support or not, Iran has the back of Sheikh El-Zakzaky and this was conveyed in the words of the spokesman of the country’s Foreign Ministry when he said “We have used all those channels to warn them [Nigeria] regarding this issue. So hopefully the government… would adopt wise action given the sensitive situation.” This was said while he was addressing reporters in the capital, Tehran.

The Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari has, however, said that any further action in respect of the Zaria incident would have to await the completion of the work of a Panel of Inquiry set up set up for the purpose. He said this at his maiden Media Chat.

There have been conflicting reports especially as to the number of persons that were killed in the confrontation as well as to what transpired from the onset till the final shootout but he is accussed by the Nigerian Army authorities of intending to assassinate the Chief of Army staff.

The situation also brings to mind the issue of Boko Haram, another muslim sect of the Sunnai bent, who are at variance with the shi’ites and also in conflict with the Nigerian government. What does this portend for Nigeria?

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