Sunday 3 January 2016


Sometimes it seems life has twists that one hopes would remain only a dream for the consequences are really unbearable. Anyways one of such twists is presently the fate of the family of Chief Lazarus Dim, native of Osumenyi in Nne­wi South Local Gov­ernment Area, Anambra State.

This follows the untimely and tragic death of his son, Sam Belonwu Dim, a businessman who was based in Lagos. Sam was shot three days to his church wedding, which was fixed for Wednesday, December 30, 2015. There was certainly no premonition that he would not live to see the wedding day, and certainly he would never have imagined it would be in the manner it happened.

This is because he was shot to death by a drunken police sergeant on Sunday, December 27, when he went to attend the traditional wedding of the daughter of the in-law of his friend and business associate at Uruagu Nnewi. The very police he would have expected to save him from death.

Speaking about the sad incident, his father Chief Dim said the wedding preparations were all in top gear, wedding cards had been distributed, all related church arrangements had been made, the cow for the wedding food was still tied in the compound and the best man from Ghana was in town only that he came to hear the bad news. Everything was set for a great wedding ceremony.

With a sorrowful heart and shaky voice, Chief Dim narrated that his son’s best man, Mr Martin Afusi and other friends who came all the way from Ghana had arrived Sam’s home in Osumenyi only to be told that he was dead.

Well, all that was in vain as it was not to be. The best man, Mr. Martin Afusi still in shock said Sam called him earlier on the day he and some other friends departed Ghana for Nigeria to attend the wedding to wish them a safe trip and also told him all was set for the occasion. He said they arrived at Sam’s home town in Osumenyi, Nnewi only to hear the sad tale of his death.

Reports have it that earlier in the day of the incident Eloka, a friend of Sam called to remind him of the traditional wedding, the friend would not accept Sam’s excuse of not being able to attend the occasion due to the fact that he was preparing for his wedding and Sam at last agreed to be at the traditional wedding.

Sam later left for the tradition­al wedding with another friend, Sunday Oguego where they were received by Eloka. It was when Sam made to sit down under one of the canopies arranged for guests that a mobile policeman at the event pointed his gun at him and shot him in his chest with the bullet exiting from his back.

A wounde Sam was attended to by only Oguego as every other person including Eloka ran away at the sound of the gunshot. Oguego was left shouting for help to save Sam when he slumped. It is also reported that another person was left wounded and is on admission in a hospital as the bullet from Sam’s back struck him.

The late Sam’s intended wife is still yet to overcome the sad end of her future husband and remained speechless at the residence of Chief Dim.

Chief Dim who continues to mourn his loss called for a proper investigation of the incident and the taking of adequate measures by the police to prevent the occurrence of such an atrocity in the future.

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