Thursday 14 January 2016


A beauty queen Miss Cynthia Ugbah, who won the Queen of Trust International 2015 has alleged sexual harassment by the pageant organizers and abdicated her crown.

Cynthia in her resignation letter addressed to the organizers said her decision was reached after much thought and careful consideration and with a conviction that it was of mutual benefit and for the sake of peace.
She said she had returned the crown and other items to the organizers but they continued to run a smear campaign against her. She said what she experienced at the pageant left her with only the option to resign. She went on to thank them for all they had done for her.

Cynthia expressed her regret for contesting in the pageant stating that the competition did not live up to her expectation adding that the organizers directed her to engage in sexual activities for financial benefit which would accrue to them. She said the organizers were “rogues, thieves, fake and most of all broke; they need pretty girls to fetch them money.’’

Reacting, Ms Onyeka Agu, the Deputy National Director, Nigerian Queen Beauty Pageant, the pageant’s facilitators said Cynthia was officially stripped of the crown for gross misconduct. She added that all the benefits of her position including the vehicle would be retrieved and given to the 2015 Runner up.

Ms. Agu went on to state that the organizers would be releasing more information on the incident, stating that the organizers believed that a beauty queen should be an individual that could serve as a model for others to follow.

This brings to light the much talked about apprehension about letting females contest in such beauty pageants, many have always expressed their belief that pageants served as an avenue to sexually exploit the contestants who had no option but to play along if they wanted to win the crowns in the various beauty competitions.

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