Friday 1 January 2016



In a move to stand up for a brother, American comedian Eddie Griffin has come out in support of fellow comedian, Bill Cosby stating that his present ordeal with various accusations of rape was part of a conspiracy in the United States to emasculate African American cultural icons.

Griffin said the allegation coming from a number of women was “a systematic effort to destroy every black male entertainer's image. They want us all to have an asterisk by our name." He went on to recall similar cases against Kobe Bryant, Michael Jackson and Michael Jordan, he noted that it seemed to be a plan of not letting any African American leave the business with a clean slate.

It would be recalled that Cosby has never accepted culpability in any of the allegations though he did agree to having given women Quaaludes, a sedative before having sex with them but he says he did this with their knowledge.

Corroborating, Griffin dismissed the allegations of drugging against Cosby saying "first off you have to remember this was in the '70s. I'm old enough to remember the '70s. The '70s is a different time," as he said Quaaludes was then frequently used to clear the effect of the use of cocaine.

Cosby was, however, charged on Wednesday by the Montgomery, Pennsylvania with second degree aggravated indecent assault of Andrea Constand in his home on the outskirts of Philadelphia in 2004, a more recent case. He is liable to a term of 10 years imprisonment if he is convicted. Again Cosby alleges that whatever transpired between him and Constand was consensual.

Yet again, Griffin comes to the defense of Cosby when he asks “why would you go to the room of a known married man?" He also questions the allegations by the women coming up decades later. He recalls Cosby’s mentoring which led many to get an education and says he is class act. Griffin remains one of the leading public figure still in support of Cosby inspite of the criminal charges he is now facing. Many others have since left Cosby to his fate despite their initial support for him.

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