Wednesday 30 December 2015


Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari today, December 30, held his first media chat since he assumed office on May 29 this year.

The panel of journalists who spoke with the President are Kayode Akintemi, Ibanga Isine, Mrs. Ayaegbeluman and Manila Dan Ali.

Below are some highlights of the President's response on some of the topical issues raised during the chat.

The President said the nation's finances are stretched but his administration was setting its priorities right, such as the provision of power, roads, etc.

He stated that the country's economy needed the provision of adequate security for proper development of the contributing sectors, using as an example the bombing of the oil installations and pipelines which impacted negatively on the economy. He said it would be impossible to manage the country in an insecure atmosphere.

Mr. President also made reference to the restriction on Forex, saying the restrictions could not be lifted as the country lacked the foreign exchange to fund the transactions in question. He said only priorities would be focused on by the government such as the local industries.

Speaking on the issue of petroleum product subsidy, he said the government was more concerned with restoring the nation's refineries so as to save cost.

He also addressed the recent confrontation between the Army and the Shiites in Zaria and called on the public to await the report of an inquiry into the matter to be able to get the actual facts of the incidents and take an informed position.

The President said there was no reliable intelligence on the location of the kidnapped Chibok girls but the country was working with the neighboring countries of Chad, Niger and Cameroon to resolve the issue. He also says the government was ready to negotiate with the genuine representatives of Boko Haram.

He said that he had declared his assets four times.

The President stated that he would not advise the state governments to reduce the N18,000 minimum wage.

President Buhari assured all that he would defend the constitution which he swore to do at his inauguration and called on the press to do a proper job of their profession and share the truth on issues with the Nigerian public.

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